When Does our Radiance First Dim?
BLOG ONE – When does our Radiance start to diminish?
When do we first lose a little radiance? As children we sparkle but slowly over time that shine can diminish.
I love the way my daughter looks at herself in the mirror.
She looks at herself with such delight and smiles hard at the reflection she sees. I guess she just sees “Mimi”, what she calls herself. I guess she sees the curly blonde hair, the blue eyes, the gappy smile and whatever outfit she has adorned herself with and it gives her happiness.
I hope that she will always see herself like this but I know that one day she won’t. One day she will find faults and judge herself based on media portrayal, including the “perfect” images of women she will see on social media. It saddens me to think that one day she may look at herself and feel sad, let down or even disgusted.
I pray that she can find self-love and accept herself and her own unique beauty early on and not suffer for so long like many women do.
It’s taken me until 40 years of age to be okay with all my flaws. To just say “fuck it” and know that the reality is that the people that love me, love ME and not how I look and that I am beautiful because of my internal beauty.
It is a learning curve and one that can take years depending on the experiences that life presents you. Some find peace early and some struggle their entire lives.
It has a lot to do with low self-worth; you need to see your worth outside of how you look and create a world in which you’re living your highest values, making yourself a priority and finding peace with your past. I feel that self-love and acceptance for the things you cannot change, happens with time and when and if, you’re ready to actually change yourself.
I have learnt so much throughout all the challenges I have faced in my life time and have so much knowledge to share with my girl when she’s ready. But I also accept that she may not listen because she needs to make her own mistakes and suffer in order to truly grow.
I will be there for her during her suffering. I know it will hurt her and damage her perfect little soul but I know she came into this world to learn her lessons, whatever they may be.
For now though, I will take pleasure in her untainted love for herself and me. I will laugh at her crazy outfit choices, enjoy her unselfconscious parading and treasure the moments of purity where she kisses herself in the mirror. Radiance personified.
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Dayni xxx